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Monday, August 14, 2006

How long can I wait!

Many people starting a new business, or even a new venture in their existing business want immediate results.

They hear reports of people making the big money, of the huge successes out there, how easy it is. The internet is the fast easy money! Everything has changed and is on steroids!

Well it ain't so. Sure you can have good success quickly at times, but it depends what you start with. Almost all 'overnight successes' put in long hours working before they were ever a success.

So how long will it take to see results?

It does take a long time, and for everyone, that 'long time' is different, depending on their business model, their actions, and their effort.

At least longer than most people expect.

What I would suggest is not focus on the money, but focus on things like the members you are adding to your list, the changes and updates to your website, the articles you have written and sent out. By focusing on these things, you will see that you have done alot of good work that is producing results. Also watch your traffic to your sites, try to keep it growing slowly but consistently.

Also, take advantage of this time to really focus on the people that sign up for your list. Make them feel very special at you will be rewarded.

Make it a point every day to do some activity that is geared towards sales. Some new thing that will bring in people to your website. As time goes on, this will have a cumulative effect that will make your business grow exponentially.

And don't give up!


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