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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Why I am Promoting 'out of the Blue' fire sale.

I just wanted to tell you a little bit about what you get.

I have not used all of the products offered in this sale, but I have used a few.

The software products are excellent. The 'buy me a drink' script is a novel idea to gain attention and a little extra income on a good content site. The Quiz Generator is a great tool for viral exposure. Many of the others are great too.

Three ebooks are invaluable to anyone doing business on the net - David Vallieres collection, My Early Days on the Net, and the Viral Marketing Tuturorial are all excellent products.

But the bonuses are where this sale really shines!!

The Forum Spy is an awesome tool for anyone in the internet marketing business who wants to keep track of the latest on any topic, but doesn't have time to read all the frivolous posts.

The Web Traffic books are a very complete text on gaining traffic.

BUT . . .

The two that puts this over the top!!!

One month access to Turbo Membership and also to the Delevarian Code!!!!!

I am a member of Turbo Membership - it is the most complete membership site that I know of on the net. The 'Blue Book' which is the membership starter manual is worth the price of admission alone. You also get free brand new products, templates, ebooks, articles delivered to you every month. AND you get to sell all of John's products, and many many others (not just a bunch of PLR trash, but real exclusive products) and get 95% commission. Yes you heard me right - 95% commission!!

If you sign up for Turbo Membership, I will personally act as your guide for the first 2 months in your membership. And believe me, there is so much good stuff, you will want a guide to find all the goodies.

Next . .
The Delaverian Code.

21 reports full of ESSENTIAL marketing knowledge! Mystery! Adventure! Intrigue! And if you successfully crack the code - a bountiful prize!

It is the most addictive internet experience I have ever had online!

This alone is worth the price of the fire sale!

Let me know if you have any questions!


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